杨远威,1943年生,江苏人,高级美术师,中国工艺美术书画研究会副会长,江苏省美术家协会会员,南京书画院特聘画师。曾任江苏省装饰设计协会秘书长、江苏省工艺美术学会秘书长。美国加利福尼亚州SAN PEDRO美术协会授予荣誉会员,长期从事绘画创作,专攻中国山水风景画,擅以中国传统笔墨表现异域风情与城市风光。画风轻松,节奏感强。曾赴欧洲、美洲、澳洲、日本及东南亚诸地写生,多次在国内和美国、新加坡、日本等地举办个人画展及联展。作品多次参加北京、南京的大型艺术品拍卖会。有《美国写生集》、《杨远威国画选集》、《澳门风光卅景组画》等印行。《荣宝斋》、《中国书道》等杂志有专版介绍。国家邮政局1999年发行有奖贺年明信片《澳门风光》一套10张。   Mr.Yang, yuan-wei was born in 1943, in Jiangsu, China. Member of Jiangsu Artists Association, and Nanjing Painting Academy. Mr.Yang is also the founder and Vice Chairman of the China National Arts and Crafts Artists Association. In addition, he is the vice general editor of the "Chinese Artists" magazine.   Mr.Yang has focused on Chinese water and ink painting for a long time. In his art works, people can find not only the traditional Chinese water and ink painting skills, but also the western oil painting style. In order to achieve his art dream, Mr.Yang has traveled all around the world. He left his foot marks in Europe, the united states, Australia, Japan, and southeast Asia. Finally, he successfully melts the merits of western oil painting into the traditional Chinese water and ink painting to express his view of the natural beauty.   Mr.Yang's efforts and unique style is highly praised by the art circles. He has held several personal art exhibitions in a few countries. His publications include "American sketch", " Yang yuan-wei's Chinese water and ink painting", "the scenery of Macao", "walking in the earth village". And in year 2000, the Chinese National Postal Office used Mr.Yang's ten pieces of " Scenery of Macao" as the postal card for the Chinese new year.   Reports and introduction of Yang Yuanwei could be found in such magazines and newspapers,as Rong Bao Zhai of China Ren Min Art Publishing House, and China Shu Dao.   Add:   58-1-209 Muxuyuan St.   Nanjing, 210007   China   Tel: 86-25-8631 2467   spotart@hotmail.com   USA Contact:   Mr. Patrick Yang   7 Donald Court   Elmhurst, IL 60126   Tel: (312) 217-0159   y727@yahoo.com