阳太阳,1909年生,广西桂林人。1931年毕业于上海艺专,在上海与庞薰琴、倪贻德等人创办“决澜社”,提倡新绘画。1935年入日本大学研究各国绘画艺术并积极创作。其油画作品入选世界性大型美展“日本二科美展”,与马蒂斯、罗丹、戈雅、勃拉克等大师的作品同场展出,并同时印入画册,被誉为“中华之夸”。 1937年放弃去巴黎进入世界画坛的计划,回国投入抗战,发表诗文,创作大批绘画作品,反映斗争生活。创编《诗创作》杂志,加入全国作家协会,创办初阳美术院,任院长、教授。入桂林美专、广州艺专任教授。参加民主爱国运动。1949年与王琦、黄永玉、关山月、张正宇等人,在香港创办“人间书会”。主笔绘制巨幅毛泽东像(30米×10米),悬挂于广州爱群大厦,迎接新中国的成立。 1949年后,历任广州美术学院院长、广西艺术学院院长、广西书画院院长、桂林国画院院长、中国美协理事、广西美协名誉主席、广西政协副主席等职。 1957年阳太阳与傅抱石率中国美术家代表团赴东欧罗马尼亚、捷克斯洛伐克、苏联等国访问交流,并多次应邀赴日本、美国、加拿大等国举办个人画展,并应邀在中国台湾文化交流访问一百天,举办巡回个展七次。 1980年任广西首届研究生硕士导师,为国家培养了大批美术专业人才,德高望重,桃李满天下。 阳太阳擅中西绘画、书法和诗文,是一位有综合艺术成就的美术家和艺术教育家。《百年国画集》、《二十世纪中国油画》、《二十世纪中国水彩画》均收录其作品。阳太阳教授艺术造诣高深,笔黑苍润简约,意境新颖,在中国美术史上占有重要地位。 Yang Taiyang (b.1909) was born in Guilin, Guangxi Province. He graduated from Shanghai Fine Arts College in 1931. Established "Julan Association" with Pang Xunqin, Ni Yide in Shanghai. In 1935, he entered Japan University. He participated in Japan's Second Major Art Exhibition, and was displayed and published along with Matisse, Rodin, Goray, and Boroque. Was titled “Pride of China”. He completed many works during the anti-Japanese War, was a professor at Guilin Art College and Guangzhou Art College. After 1949, he became dean of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangxi Academy of Fine Art, Guangxi Academy of painting and calligraphy, and Guilin Academy of Chinese Triditional Painting. He was also director of the China Art Association, Honorary President of the Guangxi Art Association. In 1980, he is the Mentor of the 1st Guangxi Graduate Student. He was invited to Taiwan for cultural exchange that lasted one hundred days, and held seven solo exhibitions. (Lot 1410)