薛智国 (1957.5—)山东莘县人。擅长油画。1979年考入鲁迅美术学院 油画系。曾任黑龙江日报社美编,现为黑龙江省美协创作室创作员。作品《活烈士李玉安》 入选建党70周年全国美展;《垦区记事》入选纪念讲话发表50周年全国美展;《废弃的空间 》入选第八届全国美展。
Xue Zhiguo (b.1957) was born in Zixian, Shandong, and graduated from the Department of Oil Painting in Luxun Arts College. Now he is a member of the Heilongjiang Art Association Production Studio. In 1992 his piece Records Of the Reclaimed Area won the silver medal in the National Art Exhibition for the 50th Anniversary of The Speech and was collected by the National Art Museum. In 1996, The Warm Sun in Winter was collected by the Hong Kong Asian Arts Foundation. Space of the Wasted Gas - Chapter of the Coal Mine was chosen to participate in the 8th National Excellent Works Exhibition, and was brought to Japan to join the Contemporary Chinese Arts Exhibition. In 2002, Chinese Cabbage won silver medal in the 10th National Arts Exhibition. In 2003, his work The Boundary River participated in Holding Hands in the New Era - the 3rd Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition and won an award of excellence. Many works are being collected by museums and private collectors worldwide. (Lot 1485)