陈漫,中国1980年文革后独生子女一代的,她生于其父母下乡地内蒙古,之后随父母回北京,成长于北京前门大栅栏一代的胡同,经过了中央美院附中,中央戏剧学院,中央美术学院系列学院派训练。在大学期间创建了DMD摄影工作室,之后又创建了studio6摄影公司。从2003年为《VISION》杂志拍摄封面起,陈漫就获得时尚界乃至艺术届的极大关注,引发了国内时尚摄影圈的一次创新潮。此后她长期与《VOGUE》、《ELLE》、《BAZAAR》、《MARIECLAIRE》 、《ID》、《L’OFFICIEL》、《MADAME FIGARO》、《WALLPAPER》、《UNLIMITED》、《NYLON》 、《SPORT & STREET》 等国际知名杂志合作并为其拍摄封面。作为国内顶尖视觉艺术家的代表,陈漫的作品多次在意大利、香港等国家和地区获奖,并在法国、美国、英国、中国大陆及香港等地举办了多次个展,参加过多个国际重要艺术博览会,作品被英国伦敦V&A MUSEUM和北京今日美术馆收藏。近年来,陈漫在商业和艺术方面取得了巨大的跨界成功,她能够将商业主流和纯粹的艺术创作完美地融合起来。“中学为体,西学为用”一直是贯穿其整个创作过程的特点,她创造出了一种全新的独立艺术语言,引领着当代时尚摄影和艺术摄影的革新。About Chen ManChen Man, one of the Only Child generation, was born in 1980 in Inner Mongolia where her parents went to the countryside during the Cultural Revolution. Being raised in a Hutong,or small alley, near Qianmen Dazhalan in Beijing, she went to the middle school affiliated to Central Academy of Fine Art before being nurtured by the art field in Central Academy of Drama and Central Academy of Fine Art. She established the DMD Photography Studio at college and then created the Studio6 company.Chen Man gained her reputation in Chinese fashion and art circle when she produced covers for Vision since 2003. Leading the domestic trend of fashion photography, she has been cooperating with top fashion magazines all over the world and shooting covers for them such as VOGUE, ELLE, BAZZAR, MARIECLAIRE, L'OFFICIEL, WALL PAPER, PREFERENCE from France, UNLIMITED from New York, NYLON and SPORT & STREET from England, etc.As one representative of Chinese visual artists, Chen Man 's art works won awards in Italy, Hong Kong and many other countries and regions. Her solo exhibitions have been held in France, the U.S., England, China's Mainland and Hong Kong, etc., and she also participated in several significant art fairs. V & A Museum in London, and Today Art Museum in Beijing, are the collectors of her art works. Recently Chen Man has become a tremendous success crossing the boundaries of the commercial mainstream into the realm of pure art. "Chinese value for the essence, western learning for practical use" is the concept which breathes through all her art. Creating a brand new and independent art language, Chen Man pioneers the new revolution of contemporary fashion and art photography.