戚颢 1970年9月出生余姚。1986年开始学习摄影,2000年11月调入宁波日报报业集团,现供职于《东南商报》社。现为中国摄影家协会会员、世界华人摄影学会会员、浙江省摄影家协会理事,宁波市摄影家协会副主席。浙江省首届摄影十佳。多幅作品入选全国摄影艺术展、中国国际摄影艺术展、中国上海国际摄影艺术展。作品《跳楼》获第11届中国国际摄影艺术展铜奖。作品《紧急出动》被中国·丽水摄影博物馆收藏。2007年赴德国举办个人摄影展览。
  Born in September 1970, Yuyao. He began to learn photography in 1986 and was transferred to Ningbo Daily Group in December 2000, as a photojournalist and Photography Director.He is a member of China Photographers Association and World Chinese Photographers Association, Director of Photographers Association of Zhejiang Province, and Vice-chairman of Ningbo Photographers Association.   He was also awarded as the Best Ten Photographers of Zhejiang Province.   Many of his works are selected to the National Photographic Art Exposition, China International Photographic Art Exposition and China Shanghai International Photographic Art Exposition.   The photo “Building Jump” won the Bronze Award of the 11th China International Photographic Art Exposition.   The photo of “Emergent Action” is collected in Li Shui Chinese Photographic Museum.   In 2007, he went to Germany to hold his personal photography exhibition.