马天骐,研究馆员,1934年生于辽宁海城。1951年初,参加工作。1958年秋,考入鲁迅美术学院深造,并任学生会主席、全国学联委员。毕业后留校任教,后应地方文化工作需要调回家乡海城,从事群众文化工作达45年。曾任市文化馆馆长、文化科长、市文联副主席、市美协主席、市人大代表、党代表、政协委员。曾获得省市先进文化工作者、市劳动模范、专业技术拔尖人才等荣誉称号。作品被选入全国美展、中国现代年画出国展、全国书画名家邀请展等40余次大展并获奖。曾在北京、济南、天水、洛阳、青岛、昆明、台北等地及日本、菲律宾等国家举办个展、联展。出版专著有《写意鸡技法》、《马天骐国画集》、《马天骐绘画专辑》、《跨世纪中国美术家艺术成就优选画库·马天骐国画作品优选》及年画、宣传画、连环画等。   中国画作品被国内一些博物馆和港、澳、台地区及海外的政要、文化、经贸团体、知名人士、收藏家收藏。   现为:中国美术家协会会员、中国同泽书画研究院终身名誉理事、中国画研究会理事、辽宁省世界民族文化交流促进会理事、海城市文联名誉主席、鞍山市美术家协会顾问。
  Ma Tianqi Professor, was born in Haicheng, Liaoning province 1934. At the early of 1951, he started to work. In the autumn of 1958, he entered Luxun Academy of Fine Arts for further education and was chairman of Student Union and member of National Student Federation. After graduation, he taught in mother school and then he was adjusted to his hometown, Haicheng, for the local culture requirements. He has taken part in mass cultural work for forty-five years. He was director of City Cultural Building, Culture Section Chief, vice-chairman of Association of Literature and Arts, chairman of Local Artists Association, local deputy to the People’s Congress, Party representatives and CPPCC member. He had been awarded honorary titles such as Provincial and Local Advanced Cultural Worker, Local Labor Model, Excellent Talents of the Professional Technique and so on. His works are selected and awarded in large-scaled exhibitions for over forty times such as National Fine Art Exhibition, Chinese Modern New Year Pictures Overseas Exhibition, National Calligraphies and Paintings Famous Experts Invitation Exhibitions, etc. He had hosted personal exhibition and group exhibition in places- Beijing, Jinan, Tianshui, Luoyang, Qingdao, Kunming, North of Taiwan, Japan, Philippine and so on. Published monographs are “Skills of Freehand Brushwork of Chickens”, “Ma Tianqi Chinese Painting Sets”, “Ma Tianqi Paintings Special Issue ”, “Optimal Selective Painting Library of Trans–century Chinese Artists Achievements·Optimal Selection of Ma Tianqi Chinese Paintings”, New Year Pictures, Publicity Picture and Strip Pictures etc.   The Chinese paintings-Freehand Brushwork of Chickens are collected by many abroad and domestic museums, collectors, culture, business, and famous persons.   Current Positions:Member of Chinese Artists Association, lifelong honorary director of Chinese Tongze Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, director of Chinese Painting Research Institute, director of Liaoning World National Cultural Exchanges Promoting Institute, honorary chairman of HaiCheng City Association of Literature and Arts, advisor of Anshan City Artists Association.