马国良1936 年6 月生于哈尔滨市,大学毕业后当过中学教师、报社记者、机关干部,在省级党政领导岗位工作多年。999 年开始摄影创作,作品曾在国家、省级展赛中获奖。黑龙江省摄影家协会名誉主席,中国摄影家协会会员。 Ma Guoliang was born in Harbin in June 1936. After graduation from the university he workedas a middle school teacher, and later a journalist. As a provincial leader, he has been working inadministrative offices for more than ten years. He began sparetime photographic creation in 1999.He won prizes many times in provincial and national competition. Now he is honorary chairman of Helongjiang Photography Association, and a member of China Photography Association.