祖籍山东,父辈闯关东。六十年代入伍,从东北转战西南,带过兵,打过仗,40余年的军旅生涯,多次参加作战行动,从普通士兵成长为一名将军。退休后热衷于摄影艺术创作,主要拍摄西部自然风光,用镜头表达一名军人对祖国大好河山的赞美和热爱。 Ma Deshan, with his ancestral home in Shandong, is the offspring of the ancestors who braved the journey to the Northeast. Since he joined the army in 1960s, Ma fought from the Northeast to the Southwest. He used to command the soldiers and take part in battles. During forty years of military career, he participated in maneuvers for many times, and developed from an ordinary soldier to a general. He was wild about photographical art creation, shooting mainly the natural scenes in the west and, traveling with his lens, expressing a soldier’s admiration and the love for the magnificent mountains and rivers of the motherland.