李连仲,字睡子,号积梦舟主人,别署聆天阁万象楼。祖籍山东省莱芜县,1941年生于沈阳。自幼喜爱书画,1957年考入鲁迅美术学院附中,1960年升入鲁迅美术学院国画系,1965年以优异成绩毕业留校任教至今。   鲁迅美术学院中国画系教授,研究生导师、原系主任。院学术委员会委员、职称评委会委员,中国美术家协会会员,辽宁省美术家协会理事,辽宁省中国画研究会副会长,同泽书画院理事画家,中山画会顾问,湖社画会会员,辽宁世界民族文化交流促进会会员。   出身寒门,在学期间刻苦努力,绘画基本功扎实,人物画重视从生活中捕捉生动形象。其作品法度严谨,融中西画法自成一格,善于处理人物众多的恢宏场面,突出人物的典型个性。他的水墨小品,以书入画,挥洒自如,隽永清新。 他主张:“法造化,我行我素,师古人,各有各绝”,“书存画意,画能书出。”他天真诚朴,淡薄名利,数十年深居斗室、刻苦求索,吞吐古今,博采众长,溶诗、书、画、印于一炉,终成大器。 学术交流: 1.新加坡艺术中心:中新国际艺术交流; 2.韩国园光大学国际学术交流; 3.台湾艺术大学:讲学及学术交流; 4.山东孔子大学讲学及学术交流; 5.河南艺术学术交流; 6.云南艺术学术交流; 7.上海艺术学术交流;
  Mr. Li Lianzhong, born in 1941 in Shenyang,Liaoning Province, Liked the calligraphy and painting from his childhood. In 1960,he began to study at the Chinese Painting Department of Luxun Fine arts Academy and was graduated in 1965. During his study, he worked very hard at the painting. He considered that books contained the conception of painting and the painting could display out of the books. For many years, he researched the ancient and the present, learnt the good from others. He paid regardless upon personal fame and gain, and wholeheartedly perfected his skill for poem, calligraphy, painting and seal.   His works of painting and calligraphy were many times on display at the exhibitions of China and the world. Upon invitation, he respectively visited Japan and Singapore for giving a lecture or displaying his works, which got great success. The local people highly praised his painting and calligraphy. For example, the painting “Luxun and Runtu” was collected by the National Museum of Japan, and the “People of Hometown” was collected by the National Museum of Singapore. Some famous poets and artists of Singapore paid a high admiration at the art of the Chinese painting.   Mr. Li Lianzhong is now professor of Luxun Fine Arts Academy, member of China Artists Association, director of liaoning Research Institute for Chinese Painting director of Liaoning Old Men Calligraphy and Painting Society, and vice president of the Calligraphy Art Association of Luxun Fine Arts Academy.