韩敏(1929年—) ,浙江杭州人。原任职于上海人民美术出版社,从事连环画创作。诗、书、画俱佳,所作人物仕女,花鸟竹石,独具风格,既富传统功力又不失时代风貌.作品多次参加国内外重大展览,先后赴新加坡、澳门等地举办个人书画画展。现为中国美术家协会会员、上海美术家协会理事、上海书画研究院院长。1993年受聘为上海市文史馆馆员。
Han Min (Born 1929)Han Min born in Hangzhou of Zhejiang in 1929. Influence by his family, he developed an interest in painting and calligraphy since childhood. He concentrated in calligraphy, figure, flower and bird painting. He worked in People's Art Publication House as resident artist who specialized in caricatures and calender paintings. Han was a member of the 9th National Commissar of Shanghai, and Dean of Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute. He is currently member of History and Cultural Archive in Shanghai, committee of Chinese Artists' Association and its Shanghai Division.